
Tempo Spring Water stands as a symbol of our unwavering commitment to reducing plastic waste and protecting our planet.

We believe

Top up, reuse,

recycle, and feel

the eco-love.

Our History

Bringing together our passion for business and good service, with care for the environment, inspired us to create Tempo Water. We are a group of friends who, concerned about the environment and the future of our families, decided to take water consumption to another level. We live in a community full of life, clean air, and pure water, the question was: how to help preserve our world, reducing environmental pollution?

Thus, with love, passion, and a lot of coconut-infused inspiration, we created Tempo Water, an aluminum bottle that embodies our commitment to sustainability and quality hydration. It all started one summer evening, as we gathered by the shores of our local beach, watching the sun dip below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the waves.

Amidst laughter and shared dreams, we pondered the state of our planet and the role we could play in protecting it. With the gentle lapping of the waves as our soundtrack, inspiration struck – why not create a product that not only quenches thirst but also nurtures the earth?

And so, Tempo Water was born, born out of a desire to make a difference, to leave behind a legacy of sustainability for our children and future generations. We poured our hearts and souls into every aspect of its creation, from the sleek design of the aluminum bottle to the purity of the water within.

But our journey was not without its challenges. We faced skeptics who doubted the feasibility of our vision, and hurdles that threatened to derail our progress. Yet, fueled by determination and fueled by coconut-infused inspiration, we persevered.

Today, Tempo Water stands as a testament to what can be achieved when passion meets purpose. It's more than just a bottle – it's a symbol of hope, a beacon of change in a world thirsty for sustainability. And as we continue on this journey, we invite you to join us, to raise a bottle to a brighter, greener future, one sip at a time.

About Us

Who we are

Born from a passion for purity and a dedication to environmental consciousness, we're more than just a bottled water company – we're a commitment to elegance and eco-responsibility.

What do we do

Our commitment to sustainability is a journey, not a destination – we've chosen reusable aluminum bottles to minimize our environmental footprint, recognizing there's always more to learn and improve upon. Our goal is straightforward: to provide hydration that's as honest and humble as the source from which it springs.

Sourced from Palomar Mountain

Palomar Mountain's purest essence – a symphony of crystalline purity drawn from the heart of nature itself. From the serene heights of Palomar Mountain, pristine water cascades through layers of ancient rock, emerging as a testament to nature's flawless filtration. Each drop whispers tales of its journey, untouched by human intervention, embodying the untamed spirit of the mountain. Here, purity reigns supreme, and with every sip, you're transported to the untouched wilderness, where the air is crisp and the waters run free. Welcome to a world where purity is not just a standard but a way of life.

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